Organisation Design & Development - Productivity Lab
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Organisation Design & Development

In order to maximise performance, an organization’s structure should be aligned with the business strategy and the competitive environment in which the organization operates. Organisation Design & Development (OD & D) ensures an optimal structure is implemented and works the way it was intended, while driving continuous improvements of the organization’s capabilities.


An OD & D project will typically start with an organisational diagnostic, followed by a short Target Operating Model (TOM) exercise before the macro- and micro-structures are set.


Following the first draft of the micro-structure, the project will take on more of an organisational development flavour, focusing on the range of practices or components that define how the roles within the structure interact with each other and the organization as an employer, such as:


  • Job descriptions (review)
  • Matrices of financial and operational authorities
  • Performance management frameworks
  • Pay structures including variable compensation
  • Change & learning approaches


Timelines and sequencing for piloting, implementation, embedding and anchoring of OD & D projects depend on organisational requirements and capabilities.


OD & D can form a standalone project and is often combined with Management Control Systems into a High-Performance Organisation project.


Read more about our approach to OD & D here.